LRC Updates
and Library Dreams
One Book One School
New signage:
Fiction vs. Nonfiction keyboard and computer shortcuts Digital Citizenship |
$1,500 AISLE grant recipient to update our Leveled Library
Helped select, order, and process new Novel Study district collections. Books were added to our existing Literature Collection.
new Work Station and Table Caddies with Table Portfolio binders
Weeded 398 section (Summer 2023)
Weeded Class Sets and Literature Circle collection. Added baskets and began to create a Spanish Leveled Library. (Summer 2023)
slat wall added by Mark
$1,500 AISLE grant recipient for new graphic novels!
Summer nonfiction weeding project (regular and JN)
Fully funded third Donor's Choose Project for gamification efforts
selected as a recipient of a free monitor to help teach via Zoom
Fully funded third Donor's Choose Project for replacement Battle of the Books titles
New Kindergarten Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Collection
New Literature Circle books added based on teacher (grade 4/5) input
Taught first district class
Fully funded third Donor's Choose Project for additional Breakout EDU boxes
Worked with Chris Finch to advocated the need to update our Guided Reading Collection. New Fountas and Pinnell levels were added with Grade Level Collections for grades 1, 2, and 3.
Worked with all grade level team in Spring to identify curriculum needs and wants to extend current curriculum as I filled out district inventory spreadsheet.
Proposed and received funding for TWO Donor's Choose Projects!
Makerspace Breakout EDU |
Found new circulation desk online for FREE!
Partnership with Discover Books that sells/donates weeded books and materials
Integrated indoor recess items with makerspace to clear up floor space
Literature Circle organized by Fountas & Pinnell Found an unused TV in building and had it installed to display books, important information, and showcase learning in the LRC
NEW Schoolwide Reference Collection and classroom Schoolwide Writing
Reorganized graphic novels, American Girl, and special collections (summer 2018)
Added more baskets to remove carts and removed old, dated furniture
New Juvenile Fiction Collection (with spine labels to match!)
Processed Classroom Leveled Libraries (approx. 250 books per classroom)
Purchased clear, front facing magazine cases to increase circulation
The District painted! Huge difference in the space!